[rt-users] Finishing a Debian RT install

Tim Wilson tim_wilson at hopkins.k12.mn.us
Tue Dec 9 00:40:34 EST 2003

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting down the RT path. I've got Debian/MySQL/Postfix installed
on an old server and I've installed the request-tracker3 Debian package. I
found the docs for setting up RT on Debian, but it refers to an older
version. I'm wondering if someone who's running RT on Debian could provide a
list of tasks that need to be done to get RT installed. It looks like I need

1. Set some parameters in RT_SiteConfig.pm
2. Configure apache to use mod_perl and point to the proper directory.
3. ???

I've never set up mod_perl before. Using the apache directives listed in the
install docs produces the following error when I try to restart:

Reloading apache modulesSyntax error on line 1052 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

Any idea what to do at this point? Any pointers would be greatly


Timothy Wilson
Technology Integration Specialist
Hopkins ISD #270, Hopkins, MN, USA
ph: 952.988.4103  fax: 952.988.4311  AIM: tis270

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