[rt-users] Is PAM authentication possible?

James O'Kane jo2y at midnightlinux.com
Thu Feb 20 20:45:45 EST 2003

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Phil Homewood wrote:

> Josh Kuperman wrote:
> > I was wondering if I could use PAM authentication with RT. I don't
> > have a problem with MySQL but if I could set it up to use PAM then
> > everyone with a login could be automatically configured (at least as
> > far as thier password and e-mail address goes).
> set $WebExternalAuth in config.pm and get Apache to auth against PAM?

I started off this way, but you also need to have users in the RT 
database. I wanted to try authentication to afs via PAM, and if that 
fails, try RT's database.

Here is what I've put in local/WebRT/html/autohandler for RT2.0.15


It's not a drop-in replacement, but it should give some ideas, and if 
someone who is good at perl skim over my change and let me know if there 
is a better way, I'd appriciate it.


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