[rt-users] Help -- how to get message bodies from $Ticket object?

Victor Danilchenko danilche at cs.umass.edu
Thu Jul 31 10:35:25 EDT 2003

	Well, i finally -- after looking through the SQL table structure
-- solved it. As is often the case, most of the answer was figuring out
the right question.

	the following code in the template did the trick (it's
unfinished -- no error handling yet):

{ my $tlist=$Ticket->Transactions();
  my $trans=$tlist->First();
  while (my $t=$tlist->Next()){
    $trans=$t if $t->Type =~ /correspond/i;
  my $message=$trans->Attachments()->First()->Content();
    "Last correspondence was:\n\n".$message;

|  Victor  Danilchenko  | You cannot apply a technological    |
| danilche at cs.umass.edu | solution to a sociological problem. |
|   CSCF   |   5-4231   |                        Edwards' Law |

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