[rt-users] RT3 speed thread

Simon Woodward sw-lists at onyx.net
Mon Jun 2 09:18:20 EDT 2003

> Can you give some hard numbers on how slow RT3 gets ? While it isn't
> fast, I currently do not see that the database is the bottleneck.
> But I only have about two hundred tickets in the database, maybe it is
> a scaling problem.

Hard and fast numbers ?

Anything from about 1 to 5(+) minutes from clicking a link to having the
results displayed.

Watching MySQL logging as it goes through, it seems to be just ACL lookup after
ACL lookup until the page eventually displays.

I did however also wonder if it was a scaling problem, as my stats are (or
when I was testing RT3 were) in the region of:

Users: 12828
Groups: 170161
GroupMembers: 114993
CachedGroupMembers: 387317
Queues: 20
ACL: 201
Tickets: 39308
Transactions: 149330



PS: As you will note, I have cc'd this back to the list as I think any
open discussion we can have on this in order to resolve the problem is
only going to benefit everyone.

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