[rt-users] Enhancement bits and bobs

Tom Lichti tom at redpepperracing.com
Tue Mar 4 17:08:52 EST 2003

Sounds like a lot of good stuff. I could probably use some of those 
changes. The one big thing that I need, and haven't looked at yet is adding 
a new 'action' (like Comment or Reply) called Downtime, where I can use the 
Worked Minutes field as a 'System Downtime' entry, and also an action 
called 'Paged' to signify when a Tier II/Tier III person has been paged. Of 
course, there may be a way of doing this as is that I haven't figured out 
yet, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The statistical stuff would be great. I am using the Cozens stats package, 
but it's not quite what we are looking for.

And yes, thanks to Jesse for a great system!


--On Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:02 AM +1100 aidan at yoyo.org wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been using RT in production for about a month now (big
> thanks to whoever did the FreeBSD port).  I've made some
> modifications to suit our environment and I thought I'd ask
> to see if they'd been done before (and perhaps better) or
> if someone else would be interested in using the code I'd
> written.  Here's a brief list (most of these are trivial):
> 1) Added a line in the search page to display number of results
> 2) Created a scrip action that automatically assigns a keyword
>    to a ticket on creation (we use it to parse the customer's
>    email address and assign the ticket as belonging to that
>    customer).
> 3) Added a few more statuses, the most significant being
>    'accepted'.  This is when our customer has accepted that
>    a problem has been solved - it comes after we've resolved
>    it.  Sometimes we disagree that something has been fixed :)
>    I've also added a button in the SelfService page which
>    allows users to 'Accept' a resolved ticket.
>    (The other statuses were 'coded' to show we've written the
>    code but not finished testing, 'tested', to show we've
>    finished testing, 'reopened' when customer _doesn't_
>    accept that a bug has been fixed.)
> 4) We use subversion (subversion.tigris.org) as our source
>    control tool, so I have a post-commit hook which talks to
>    rt through the CLI to update a ticket - it will add the
>    commit comment and the time taken and change the ticket
>    to 'coded' status. (The ticket number and time must be
>    specified in the checkin comment).
> I think the rest of the changes I've made have been cosmetic,
> in making the interface work the way that suits our company
> the best.  Here's what's currently on my todo list (if anyone
> has done any of these already, please let me know):
> a) Make a quicksearch textbox, which brings up any issue
>    that has whatever was entered in the textbox in either
>    the subject or any of the comments or correspondence.
>    (This is to make searching for duplicates easier).
> b) Create rollovers in the SelfService page to explain the
>    status of each issue, so that if the customer rolls their
>    mouse over any particular issue, a little box pops up to
>    explain what the status means (along with a preference to
>    turn this off - we allow customers at the preferences page)
> c) Statistical analysis; specifically who has worked on which
>    tickets, how long they spent doing it, when they did it,
>    averages over time, against a keyword, etc.  This is to
>    help us track how much time we spend on any particular
>    customer, including working out who spent the time so we
>    can track how much it then cost us.
> Hope some of this is useful to people out there.  Let me
> know if you want any of the code I've done.  I'm using version
> 2.0.15 which is the one in the FreeBSD port, and
> we're using it in production (we get 5-10 tickets a day, via
> email and web, and customers frequently check their issue status).
> Thanks to Jesse and the gang for putting RT together, it's
> a big help.
> Aidan
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