[rt-users] Some questions

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Wed Mar 19 05:24:30 EST 2003

Am Mittwoch, 19.03.03 um 11:06 Uhr schrieb Kazu Kimura:

> Hello ML people,
> I have installed RT 3-0-0rc3 and it seems it works properly concerning 
> web
> interface.
> But I cannot login with 'root' and 'password' where this is rejected.  
> Do
> you know the initial password?

The initial password for root is 'password' indeed. This could fail for 
various reasons (especially if some of Your code is from 2.1.68 days, 
where a crypt bug in glibc was not yet circumvented). Which Operating 
System and Release do You use? Which apache and perl? Note that apache2 
does not play nice with rt3 at the moment.

> In addition, though this is rt 3-0-0rc3, the interface shows this is
> rt2.1.68.   Does this mean I installed 2-1-68 instead of rc3?

This could mean You (or someone else) had installed 2.1.68 before on 
this machine and You did not properly remove the old version or did not 
so 'make upgrade' as expected.


Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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