[rt-users] RT3 and unpriviledged users

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Thu May 15 09:50:58 EDT 2003

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 03:40:04PM +0200, Tomáš Hurýn wrote:
> But there are write in the manual, that priviledged users are who are staff 
> and unpriviledged are whose are no-staff (customers).
> Quote:
> Let this user be granted rights checkbox: This is unchecked by default. Check 
> the box to make this a staff user.
Yes, but what staff users are allowed to do has to be configured
separately. There is no predefined default set of privileges. 

Also, keep in mind that the documentation is still a draft, and some
parts may need expansion/rewording to be less ambiguous.

Normally, unprivileged users don't show up in the search for users,
because there is nothing You want them to be able to except for generic
stuff (which is enabled for them by setting privileges for 'Everyone' or
'Unprivileged Users') like initiating requests and adding
information/reply to staff questions.  If You want them to be able to do
stuff to tickets which are related to 'answering the request'; they most
probably need to be privileged. 



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