[rt-users] Feature request: disable global scrip in a queue

Daniel E. Eisenbud eisenbud at cbio.mskcc.org
Tue May 20 21:28:21 EDT 2003

On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 10:19:52AM +0200, Dirk Pape <pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> I would like to be able to disable a global scrip in a single queue.
> We have configured a queue for informations which shall go to all Watchers.
> If a ticket is created or moved to this queue it is autoresolved by a scrip 
> action and archived for future reference. But since it is only information 
> and no real request we do not want the requestor (hence information 
> provider) to be automatically notified that his request is resolved.
> I see that I can leave all informational tickets open for a workaround, but 
> there might be mor scenarios well supported by disabling scrip for single 
> queues.

I just figured out how to disable a scrip for a single queue.  We wanted
to have a different autoreply message (or maybe none, we haven't decided
for sure) on a single queue, but we didn't have to manually set every
single other queue's autoreply scrip to be the same as the current
global one.  So I changed the global "On Create Autoreply To Requestors
with template Autoreply" to have the custom condition:

return (($self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Create") and
	($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne "elided"));

to avoid the global autoreply for tickets in the queue "elided".  

A little further experimentation reveals that changing the "On Resolve
Notify Requestors with template Resolved" scrip to have the custom

return (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq "Status") and 
	($self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq "resolved") and
	($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne "random"));

will avoid sending the ticket completion email to the requestors when
tickets in the "random" queue are resolved, answering your question.

I will also record here, in case anyone else cares, my discovery that
the way to run a scrip when changing the queue of a ticket _to_
"random", is the following condition.  Proabably not as useful.

return (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq "Queue") and
	($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ne "random"));

It would be nice if there were either checkboxes to turn off global
scrips in each queue's config, or if there were a list in each global
scrip's config to exempt queues, avoiding all this.  But the above seems
to work pretty well.


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