[rt-users] Poor performance in upgrade from RT2 to RT3

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Sep 18 10:18:13 EDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 01:24:02PM +0400, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
> This request is one of major perfomance issues for me now.
> Search by requestor email is slow under mySQL too, but if I add another 
> email then mySQL hangs for ages.

Interesting.  The problem manifested there was something postgres
specific. RT 3.0.5 was supposed to have largely fixed the perf issue
with searching on multiple requestors. Can you capture one of the
queries it generates and show us?

> It's very offten when our workers do misstake in email and then without 
> deleting condition add another one and mySQL try to do its job. This 
> search locks user's session for long time(~15 hours, one of this 
> requests has finished :-) ) 

Interesting. Session lockfiles are supposed to time out a good deal more
quickly than that, I thought.

> Same things happen with other search 
> conditions when you add another one of same type and they joins on OR 
> clause.
>                Best regards. Ruslan.

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