[rt-users] CC-recipients not sent although properly configured!

Christian Fischer christian at fischer3.de
Mon Aug 2 10:00:47 EDT 2004


on RT 3.0.10 (Windows) the sending of emails to CC-Recipients does not

In my opinion everything is configured correctly, i.e.:

- In the config file I have added the following lines:

	Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);
    	Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^support\@xxx\.de$');

- The Scrips are configured correctly.
- In the log you can read this:

	[Mon Aug  2 13:43:32 2004] [info]:
<rt-3.0.10-55-262.18.5626220703125 at KEY-TEC> sent To:
<christian at fischer3.de> Cc: <fischerc at in.tum.de> Bcc:  
	(C:/Program Files/OurInternet/Common/../Request

	i.e. the CC-Recipient is correct.

- But: only the client gets the email, although the CC-Recipient is
correctly shown in the email, but it is not sent to him.
- This is because the CC-Recipient is correctly in the MIME-Header of
the mail, but it is not sent to him.

Has anyone had similar problems?

Thanks in advance,

Christian Fischer

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