[rt-users] Comparison matrix , Remedy .vs. RT

Niedens, Travis Travis_Niedens at redlands.edu
Wed Feb 18 18:15:45 EST 2004

Wow, never heard that type of question on here.

Fiscally, I bet it would be an easy sale if this is a new deployment.
However, if you already use Remedy, it has been my experience that any
company that uses Remedy has invested thousands of dollars in consulting
costs just to get it to where all the different groups using it can do their
job.  You would have to go through all that again with RT unless Jesse
makes/sells a Remedy2RT script/program :)  Another hurdle would be data
conversion - moving from your existing Remedy schema to that of RT and
insuring that all the tickets are intact.  



-----Original Message-----
From: Asif Iqbal [mailto:iqbala at qwestip.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:09 PM
To: rt-users at lists.fsck.com
Subject: [rt-users] Comparison matrix , Remedy .vs. RT

Hi All

Is there a comparison matrix on functionality between Remedy and RT ?

I need to convince my company to use RT over Remedy.

Thanks for any suggestion/direction on this
Asif Iqbal
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