[rt-users] Problem creating scrip.

Todd Chapman rt at chaka.net
Mon Jan 26 10:50:03 EST 2004

I'm try to create a user defined scrip. What I want to do
is when a ticket is created, if it is a MemberOf (child of)
another ticket, and the partent ticket has a certain custom
field set, set the same value in the new ticket.

In other words, I am trying to propogate a custom field
value to the children of a ticket, at ticket creation time.

Here is my custome action preparation code so far:

my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $LinkObj = $Ticket->MemberOf;
my $Link = $LinkObj->Next;

Is is the 3rd line which triggers this error:

Jan 26 07:20:13 slah001 RT: RT::Scrip=HASH(0x9b52884): Couldn't prepare User Defined (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Scrip_Overlay.pm:346)

Can anyone spot the problem?



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