[rt-users] error when follow the link on approval page

Michael Pilz michael at maurer-it.com
Tue Jul 13 05:43:18 EDT 2004

i set up approval and it works fine with this scrip, 
	On Create Create Tickets with template approval
and this template
	===Create-Ticket: Approval
	Subject: Approval for TOP
	Depended-On-By: TOP
	Queue: Approvals
	Type: Approval
      Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so they can finish their work

when i follow the link Subject: Approval for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject} on the approval page


i get the following error:

Tickets which depend on this approval:

System error
error:  	Can't call method "Next" on an undefined value at /usr/share/request-tracker3/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAttachments line 64.
61:  	<%INIT>
62:  	my %documents;
64:  	while ( my $attach = $Attachments->Next() ) {
65:  	next unless ($attach->Filename());
66:  	unshift( @{ $documents{ $attach->Filename } }, $attach );
67:  	}
code stack:  	/usr/share/request-tracker3/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAttachments:64
raw error

	Debian 	sarge testing
	apache	1.3.29
	perl 		5.8.3 
	rt   		3.0.10 

please help, regards michael
 	        Michael Pilz      Projektleiter
   __  __  __  
  /_/ /_/ /_/ Maurer  IT  Systemlösungen  KEG
  	        Kohlgasse  51/9,    A-1050 Wien
  __  __      www:          www.maurer-it.com
 /_/ /_/      mail:     michael at maurer-it.com
              phone:	   +43 1 545  449 714
 __  __       fax:	   +43 1 545  449 722
/_/ /_/       mobile:      +43   699  43 53 9 

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