[rt-users] My feeble contrib- some-all

Ben Browning benb at theriver.com
Tue Mar 9 20:06:09 EST 2004

Hi all,

I made a (small) change to some RT pages. Basically, at the bottom of the 
search page, the link "_Update all of these tickets at once_" now says 
"Update _some_/_all_ of these tickets at once. If you select "Some", the 
same page comes up as "All", but with no boxes checked. I have found this 
useful at my site.

Untar http://www.oz.net/~benb/some-all.tar into 
:RT_INSTALL_DIR:/local/html/Search/ and you should be up and running.

Hope someone else finds it helpful!

    Ben Browning <benb at theriver.com>
       The River Internet Access Co.
          WA Operations Manager
1-877-88-RIVER  http://www.theriver.com

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