[rt-users] Email update to a ticket, does it notify the owner?

Labonte, Phil phil.labonte at transcore.com
Wed Apr 13 11:59:07 EDT 2005

Sorry I meant the owner of the ticket.

So should the owner of a ticket (on the RT side) get an email when the
customer emails an update to a ticket?

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Barnes [mailto:barnesaw at ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:54 AM
To: Labonte, Phil
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Email update to a ticket, does it notify the

Labonte, Phil wrote:

>I have RT 3.2.3 with MySQL.
>When I email RT the ticket gets created and the client get's an email
>back from RT.
>Now if I send a reply or an update to RT with the [domain.com #xx] in
>the subject line that works as well.
>Now should the owner of the ticket then get a notification of the
>update? My installation does not notify the owner of an update via
>Any thoughts?

As far as I have seen, only correspondence gets sent to the requestor, 
not comments.


Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati

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