[rt-users] smrsh exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

O4Tom 2o4tom at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 11:38:31 EST 2005


I've plowed through my web interface problem, and have configured
sendmail to receive email.  At least, plain accounts on the system now
receive email.

However, rt's message time out.  I'm certain it's do to the script set
in alias.  It looks like smrsh is looking for something, but can't
find it.  Here's the error message:

mrstinky sendmail[6914]: j1HGQ8LS006433: to="|/etc/smrsh/rt-mailgate
--queue General --action correspond --url http://locahost:2029/" ,
ctladdr=<rt at mrstinky.sfnewmexican.com> (8/0), delay=23:52:47,
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=prog, pri=2191231, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred:
prog mailer (/usr/sbin/smrsh) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

Here's the appropriate entry in /etc/aliases:

# Request Tracker stuff
rt:         "|/etc/smrsh/rt-mailgate --queue General --action
correspond --url http://locahost:2029/"

I'm running Fedora Core 2, with RT 3.22

The Donegal Express.

"The opinions expressed are really your opinions as well.  You just
refuse to admit it to yourself."

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