[rt-users] Re: Adding CCs as requesters on create

Jim Archer jim at archer.net
Sat Jun 4 17:56:54 EDT 2005

I found it, thanks Seph.  I added:

Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);

Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^support-test\@mydomain\.com$');

To the RT_SiteConfig.pm module.  I tried this with and without commenting 
it out in the RT_Config.pm file, but still no luck.  RT3.4 will open the 
ticket, and if I then use RT to look at the full headers, I see

CC: Eric Swidey <eric at trin-it.com>
Subject: test after comment out
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 17:50:49 -0400
To: support-test at mydomain.com
From: Jim Archer <jim at archer.net>

So the CC is there in the header, but RT does not parse it out.  When 
looking at the ticket, under "People" I see:

Owner: Nobody
Requestors: jim at archer.net

Could this be related to the case of the CC in the header created by my 
mail client, or is there something else I am missing?



--On Saturday, June 04, 2005 4:54 PM -0400 Jim Archer <jim at archer.net> 

> I did that, but I guess I missed it...  I'll look again...
> --On Saturday, June 04, 2005 4:02 PM -0400 seph <seph at directionless.org>
> wrote:
>>> When an email comes in and creates a ticket, is it possible to have RT
>>> 3.4 add the CCs as CCs in the ticket or as requestors?
>> Read the docs, it's a config file option.
>> seph

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