[rt-users] patch for CanonicalizeEmailAddress

Stephen Quinney stephen at jadevine.org.uk
Tue May 17 04:07:33 EDT 2005

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 01:15:48PM -0400, Phil Lawrence wrote:
> Hi,
> As of 3.4.2, canonicalizing fails when the Replace string uses backrefs:
> RT_SiteConfig.pm snippet
> ------------------------
> # our users like to just CC usernames instead of
> # typing out the whole username at mycompany.com
> #
> # e.g.  'username' --> 'username at mycompany.com'
> Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch , '^([\w\-\+]+)$');
> Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace , '\1\@mycompany\.com');

Back references are used in the "match" side of a s/// regexp not the
"replace" side, in that case you should use $1, $2, etc..

If I run a script such as:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $foo = "username";
$foo =~ s/^([\w\-\+]+)$/\1\@mycompany\.com/; 
print $foo . "\n"'

I get the output:

username at mycompany.com

but I also get a warning:

\1 better written as $1 at -e line 1.

I hope that helps,


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