[rt-users] Scheduling of RT tickets or calendar integration?

Scott Muller smuller at netcommplete.com.au
Mon Nov 21 17:57:48 EST 2005

Here is a link to the code for the webcalendar integration.

The RT scrip:

Lots of debugging in it. This works by using the 'Starts' and 'Due' 
field as well as an optional customfield 'Duration'. as long as the 
ticket has an owner and one of the date fields is set, then it creates 
and appointment. I have a list of requested changes from the guys at 
work, but I haven't had a chance to implement them, as the code needs to 
be cleaned up before it gets any more ugly. Hopefully this will help 
someone create a functional interface with decent error checking etc.
Having this functionality built into RT would be really cool, but well 
beyond my abilities :(

The Perl Code:

This code is really thrown together. Basically I turned on mysql logging
and then created, altered and deleted webcalendar appointments. I then 
watched the logs to see what happened to the database. I then mirrored 
this logic in the code. (I Hope !)

WebCalendar v1.0.1 (19 Aug 2005)
RT 3.4.2


Scott Muller                             smuller at netcommplete.com.au
Senior Communications Consultant         Mobile : +61 (0)4388 300 82
NetCommplete Pty Ltd                     Phone  : +61 (0)2 6331 4773
http://www.netcommplete.com.au           Fax    : +61 (0)2 6331 4909

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