[rt-users] Virtual RT

Adrian Carter cartera at lei.net.au
Mon Sep 26 10:13:41 EDT 2005

    I just wanted to add something regarding my interpretations here.
    Yes, you can run Multiple Instances, *BUT*, and this is a 
*BIIIIIGGGGGG* but... Its *NOT* Virtual.

    Virtual infers you can run a common and SINGLE backend (ala say 
Apache) yet had numerous complete and independant configurations that 
all interact with that same common backend (just like <Virtual> tags 
inside that Apache config).

    Now, configuring FastCGI and setting lots of instances with slightly 
different RT_SiteConfigs etc is *not* a 'Virtual' solution, becuase the 
Database backend is common, and thus, the Queues, Users (Privelged, and 
worse Unprivliged) and Customer Fields etc etc are common.

    I have a classic scenario where I have techs working two completly 
seperately branded ISPs. This results in two completly seperate installs 
of RT due to the differing requirements for 
Signatures/Priorities/Templates . There is no way to maintain a common 
single database backend yet maintain seperate versions of these/

    Can you imagine having to setup complete independant versions of 
Apache for each Virtual Server??? Thats the difference between 
'multiple' and 'virtual'.

    Just my experience with RT. I ended up discussing this with Jesse at 
length, and it would in fact cost money (in the order of $1000's) to 
have such a system to support multiple signatures and multiple queues 
and privleges within one database instance (which it must do to be 
considered 'virtual').



Laurent GAUTROT wrote:

>>Jerry <Jerry at cockatoos.com> wrote :
>>Is it possible to configure RT in such a way that one installation can
>>be virtual for many domains, such as you might do for an ISP, with
>>separate administrators and users for each domain?
>In fact, yes, it is.
>Maybe you should give this page a read :
>>Alternatively, could it be configured that you could have separate
>>administrators and users for hundreds or groups at one domain? Would
>>these be queues? If so, can they be managed with conditional code, or
>>does each one have to be setup at the mail server and/or other areas?
>With FastCGI you can have separate environments, so you can setup variables.
>By this mean, each RT site can have its own customisations.
>The databases are independant. Notice that if you use MySQL you should take 
>care of the naming of the databases.  « - » in database names will lead 
>rt-setup-database to fail (only for MySQL).
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Adrian Carter
Technical Manager
Leading Edge Internet

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E-mail    cartera at lei.net.au

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