[rt-users] Autocreate uses + Active directory

Jason Prouty jprouty at cctus.com
Tue Aug 1 18:45:56 EDT 2006

I have managed to get my authentication to work against my active

However it does not create the users for me so I have to manually create
the user and then it authenticate against my AD


What am I missing? 


Here is my RT_Sitecofig


Set($WebExternalAuth , '1');

Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth , '1');

Set($WebExternalGecos , undef);

Set($WebExternalAuto , '1');


Set($LDAPExternalAuth,          '1'); # Enable LDAP auth

Set($LdapServer,                "coengad01.cctus.com");

Set($LdapCAFile,                undef);

Set($LdapUser,                  'cn=rtldap,CN=Users,dc=cctus,dc=com');

Set($LdapPass,                  'Password');

Set($LdapAuthStartTLS,          '0'); # Need to use TLS or ldaps to
check passwords

Set($LdapAuthBase,              "ou=Users,ou=Denver,dc=cctus,dc=com");

Set($LdapAuthUidAttr,           'sAMAccountName');

Set($LdapAuthFilter,            '(objectClass=user)');

Set($LdapMailBase,              'ou=Denver,ou=Denver,dc=cctus,dc=com');

Set($LdapMailFilter,            '(objectClass=user)');

Set($LdapMailScope,             'sub');

Set($LdapMailSearchAttr,        'mail');

%RT::LdapMailResultMap = (

        'sAMAccountName'        => 'Name',

        'mail'                  => 'EmailAddress',

        'cn'                    => 'RealName',



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