[rt-users] 3 question about RT

k b k_b0000 at yahoo.se
Sun Feb 12 02:09:33 EST 2006

i am trying out RT and now have three questions.

is there a web interface to add new tickets that can
be used without having to log in?
or do we have to create a form that sends an e-mail to

The RT at a glance page can be globally edited
following the instructions found here:
those worked.

in the same manner i tried to change the content
(showed columns)  of "10 highest priority tickets I
own", when i did that the content changed but no
tickets showed up for the users even though there were

is it possible to change the default content of "10
highest priority tickets I own" or "10 newest unowned
tickets", and if so, how?

if the server that runs RT does not have an outgoing
email service, how do i set up RT to use an
SMTP-server (or something else) on another server?
please point me to the correct documentation.

from testing RT this far, RT seems to suite our needs
better then many other request tracking systems. too
bad it quite a bit harder to set up.


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