[rt-users] mysqldump refusing to finish

Luke Vanderfluit lvanderf at internode.com.au
Tue Jun 6 19:07:30 EDT 2006


I have a cron job that does a database backup for RT.
That backup is currently failing with the following error:

mysqldump: Error 2020: Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes when dumping table `Attachments` at row: 1784599

My mysqldump command looks like this:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump --opt --skip-extended-insert 
--skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --complete-insert 
--max_allowed_packet=32M rt3 | bzip2 -9 > rt3.out-`date +\%Y\%m\%d-\%H`.bz2

I could increase the 'max_allowed_packet' setting.
I could add '--default-character-set=binary'.

Would these help?
Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Kind regards.

Luke Vanderfluit.
Internode Systems Pty. Ltd.

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