[rt-users] notify admincc on create problem

Marcos Athanasoulis rt at athanasoulis.net
Tue Mar 14 22:24:19 EST 2006


I helped install RT for a non-profit that I advise and everything
works great -- except that no admincc notice goes out on ticket
creation.  I have a stock install with a few users and the permissions
all set up with the default recommendations.  The admincc works on
correspondence and comments -- just not on create.  It is not that it
is not received -- it is not shown in the ticket as even being sent
out -- only the autoreply is listed. And I am testing with a different
email than the one set to receive the admincc -- so it is not that it
is just not sending info to the person who did the update. So two

1. Any ideas what might be going on?

2. How can I turn on debugging level logging?  I put the lines to log
to a file with level debug in my RT_SiteConfig.pm -- but they don't
seem to be taking effect. Do I somehow need to tell RT to re-read the
file?  (tried restarting apache on a lark -- no change)

This is freebsd with RT 3.4 -- though again absolutely everything else
works, notifying, incoming email etc.



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