[rt-users] Using RTx::shredder (v0.06)

mailing list sunlist at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 12:25:21 EDT 2007

How can I use RTx shredder (v0.06) to do the following:

Permanently remove users and tickets?  The tickets have been deleted, but do I
need to remove it from the database?

http://search.cpan.org/dist/RTx-Shredder/sbin/rtx-shredder has some syntax,
but I'm not 100% certain on how to proceed.

Does the below example permanently remove tickets from the queue "General" even
though the tickets have been deleted? (ie. status,deleted)  Additionally, does
this reset the ticket numbering?  (ie. remove #11-20, next new ticket is #11,
12, and so on)

rtx-shredder --plugin 'Tickets=status,deleted;queue,general'

And does rtx-shredder --plugin 'Users=<USERNAME>' remove the user?

I like to be certain of the syntax before touching the database, thank you for
your help.



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