[rt-users] No virtual host + initial password not working

Dale J. Chatham dale at chatham.org
Thu Apr 24 22:55:03 EDT 2008

I don't want to use virtual hosts.  With passwords flying, I'm using 
https for RT.

The rt.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d is below.

The initial root password appears to be defined in /etc/rt/initialdata  
It isn't being picked up.

  1 # Now you just have to add this line to httpd.conf
  2 # Include /path/to/this/file
  3 Alias /rt          "/var/rt/html"
  4 Alias /NoAuth      "/var/rt/html/NoAuth"
  5 Alias /Admin       "/var/rt/html/Admin"
  6 Alias /Approvals   "/var/rt/html/Approvals"
  7 Alias /autohandler "/var/rt/html/autohandler"
  8 Alias /Download    "/var/rt/html/Download"
  9 Alias /Elements    "/var/rt/html/Elements"
 10 Alias /REST        "/var/rt/html/REST"
 11 Alias /Search      "/var/rt/html/Search"
 12 Alias /SelfService "/var/rt/html/SelfService"
 13 Alias /Ticket      "/var/rt/html/Ticket"
 14 Alias /Tools       "/var/rt/html/Tools"
 15 Alias /User        "/var/rt/html/User"
 17 PerlRequire /usr/bin/webmux.pl
 18  <Location /rt>
 19     Options None
 20     SetHandler perl-script
 21     PerlHandler RT::Mason
 22     <IfDefine PerlDProf>
 23       <IfDefine PerlSmallProf>
 24         PerlFixupHandler Apache::SmallProf
 25       </IfDefine>
 26     </IfDefine>
 27 </Location>
 29 <Location /NoAuth/images>
 30   SetHandler default-handler
 31 </Location>
 33 # To use this you have to start apache with -DPerlStatus.
 34 #
 35 # In RHEL, add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/httpd:
 36 #
 37 # OPTIONS=-DPerlStatus
 38 <IfDefine PerlStatus>
 39   <Location /perl-status>
 40     SetHandler perl-script
 41     PerlHandler Apache2::Status
 42     PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
 43     PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
 44     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
 45     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
 46     PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On
 47   </Location>
 48 </IfDefine>

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