[rt-users] Programatically altering custom fields

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Mon Sep 22 17:41:01 EDT 2008

How is one supposed to use the undocumented

Based on instances of use in RT I've tried the following,
but it does not seem to work; though it reports no errors.

        my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($session{'CurrentUser'});
        push @results, ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates( ARGSRef =>{
          '[https://rt.cambenergy.org/Admin/Users/Landlord.html?id='. $val
        }, Object => $ticket );

This is in a modified copy of Admin/Users/Modify.html after the call to create,
and is meant to replace the value of the CF in the referring ticket
(passed in as
$refid via the Wikitext patch for placeholders) with a link to
view/modify the newly
created user.

Cambridge Energy Alliance: Save money & the planet

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