[rt-users] Fetchmail issues with RT 3.8.1

Macnlos macnlos at ti-994a.com
Wed Feb 4 13:36:29 EST 2009

I've upgraded a 3.6.7 installation to 3.8.1 and I'm having troubles  
with fetchmail.  When I run fetchmail and it passes an email off to  
the RT-Mailgate app I get the following errors:


Can't locate object method "decode_bodies" via package "MIME::Parser"  
at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/EmailParser.pm line 201.


fetchmail: MDA returned nonzero status 75


I've ran TESTDEPS and it says I'm up-to-date with everything.  I went  
down into our Perl distribution and it looks like there are two  
versions of MIME::Parser installed.  One of the versions has  
"decode_bodies" method and the other doesn't.  I've moved the older  
one out of the path but still no go.

Searched the lists and couldn't find anything either.  I'm hoping  
someone can point me in the write direction.


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