[rt-users] Scalability question - RT appropriate for 50K+ requests per year?

Tim Cutts tjrc at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Jul 8 10:54:53 EDT 2009

On 11 Jun 2009, at 3:16 pm, Lander, Scott wrote:

> Folks,
>     We are taking a look at RT as our helpdesk, and the basic  
> functionality seems fine.   However, I am wondering how it does  
> under a fairly heavy load (ok - maybe it isn't heavy - but, I think  
> of it as fairly large)  of upwards of 50K requsts per year, about  
> 200 requests per (work) day.  Is anyone running that large a system?
>     If so, could you describe your system - CPU/disk/memory/OS, etc,  
> as well as how it performs?   Anything you wish you had done  
> different because of the size?    We envision keeping tickets  
> (closed) at least 3 years, so we would have upward of 150K tickets  
> in the system after some time, if that matters.

We run a 3.8.2 instance that big on a virtual machine running on an  
ESX server.  The VM only has 2 GB of RAM, which is sort of OK, but  
could do with being larger.  If I were to do it again I'd use a 64-bit  
OS rather than 32-bit, and give it more memory (probably around 4GB).

Nevertheless, our 2GB VM with two virtual CPUs handles our RT  
requirements quite happily (roughly 700 tickets a week, so not quite  
as high as you're envisaging, but not far off)


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