[rt-users] Possible to downgrade DB from 3.8 to 3.6?

Khusro Jaleel mailing-lists at kerneljack.com
Mon Dec 13 12:04:27 EST 2010

On 13/12/2010 16:26, John Arends wrote:
> I don't understand people's desire to use 3rd party RT packages. 
> You're then at the mercy of the packager, and it makes it harder to 
> fix problems and apply upgrades when new RT releases come out.
> It's better to learn the internals of RT and deal with its 
> idiosyncrasies than to use a package you find somewhere. They're 
> almost always extremely outdated, and require quite a bit of 
> configuration. My RT setup has enough customizations that I keep track 
> of separately that fighting with someone's RPM package would end up 
> costing me far more time that it'd save.
> Don't get me wrong, I'd *LOVE* *LOVE* *LOVE it if Best Practical 
> official had RPMs available and would use them in a heartbeat, it 
> would make my life easier, and make me a happier person as well as 
> make RT easier to maintain, but 3rd party RPMs are annoying. Don't use 
> them, just install RT per the instructions.
> 3.8 is such an improvement over 3.6 if anyone made me go back I'd be 
> very cranky about it.
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, then. The Redhat people are 
telling me to *avoid* CPAN like the plague, and most people [1] seem to 
have accomplished the install on CentOS systems using a combination of 
packages + CPAN, which is something else that is NOT recommended to do.

I wish Best Practical did come up with their own packages, especially 
for Redhat, it would make things so much easier.

[1] - http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/CentOS5InstallPlusSome

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