[rt-users] Move tickets to Queue

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Mon Feb 22 16:30:47 EST 2010

> As I'm new to RT I'm trying to setup a system for our needs.
> We want a queue for each customer. Tickets are created by email.
You may want to rethink this, as it seems like a really bad idea.
It could potentially make the system extremely unwieldy due to the
number of queues, and potential difficulty managing ACLs
or templates?

You do know that messages automatically get threaded right?
And that the system is searchable? (with RTx::From you need
only type from:polloxx to get to a list of all of your tickets) Also,
RT automagically links to several other tickets from a requestor
in the ticket display?

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