[rt-users] Custom commands by Email

Francisco Gómez Marín fgomez at cica.es
Tue Jan 5 05:45:47 EST 2010

Niki Serakiotou escribió:
> If the CommandByEmail plugin worked for setting Custom Fields, you could
> create a custom fields and set it. But I have not been able to set custom
> fields by mail! 
> Has anybody tried
> CustomField.{CFName}: <custom field value>
> Or
> CF.{CFName}: <custom field value>
> Or the AddCF versions? And can someone point the difference between
> CF.{CFName} and AddCF.{CFName}? There is one instance of someone claiming he
> looked at the code and found out how to use them, but he did not say how.
> They sure don't work like the wiki claims they should...
Thanks Niki, but I'm not sure how to make CommandByMail to recognize 
them as commands, and even how to handle them later.

I just want to make something easier I believe, like a 'command alias': 
redirect a custom command like 'Asunto: something' -> 'Subject: 
something', maybe through a scrip?

Francisco Gómez Marín
Depatamento de Seguridad
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n - 41012 - Sevilla (Spain)
Tfno.: +34 955 056 600 / FAX: +34 955 056 650
Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa
Junta de Andalucía

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