[rt-users] Apache2::RequestIO::rflush

Mark Sallee msallee at globe.gov
Thu Jul 15 19:15:07 EDT 2010

Response to:

I'm getting a lot of messages like that in log:

 [crit]: Apache2::RequestIO::rflush: (103) Software caused connection abort
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 1020

What could cause this?? I'm using RT 3.8.5

Thanks in advance.

Sergio Roberto Charpinel Jr.


Hello Sergio,
I have seen the same error with a recent upgrade to RT 3.8.8. It occurs repeatedly with every web click that happens on the page.

RT: Apache2::RequestIO::rflush: (103) Software caused connection abort at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 1020 (/opt/rt38-xxx/bin/webmux.pl:79)

Some forums say that this is the error that occurs when a user clicks Stop in their browser and interrupts the loading of the page.  However, it seemed to be related to the apache alias configuration.  We had two different aliases for the apache virtual host, and one of them is a proxy forward through another server in our organization. 

Example:  http://rt.servername.org (proxy)-> http://rt.servername.edu

Selection from Apache's httpd.conf:  
<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName rt.servername.org  # external facing address
 ServerAlias rt.servername.edu # internal address only

 The logs showed that the problem immediately stopped if we used the internal vhost name that did not involve the proxy. But for external users via the proxy address, they will probably still generate a bunch of those messages.  I haven't seen yet if that will cause any performance problems.

I have three separate RT instances running on the same server, and this is the only one that has these problems, so it is probably not related to perl modules.

Versions used:
RT 3.8.8 (upgraded from 3.4.4)
Apache 2.2.14
DBIx::SearchBuilder (version 1.56)

Mark Sallee

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