[rt-users] History order 3.8.7

Raed El-Hames rfh at vialtus.com
Wed Mar 10 11:26:04 EST 2010


Change it in RT_Config.pm (Should be RT_SiteConfig.pm)..
the bit you are looking for is

=item C<$OldestTransactionsFirst>

By default, RT shows newest transactions at the bottom of the ticket
history page, if you want see them at the top set this to '0'.  This
option can be overridden by users in their preferences.


Set($OldestTransactionsFirst, '1');



Laura Grella wrote:
> We just upgraded to 3.8.7 from 3.6.6 and so far so good...The only question I
> have is about the order history of tickets. I understand that you can now
> modify the history order from the UI under preferences->ticket display->show
> oldest history first and set it to no, which is what I did, but that only
> set it for my account. I want it to be the global setting for everyone in my
> organization. I do not want to tell everyone that they need to set it since
> they do not have the 'modify self' right so they do not get the preferences
> link. How can I globally set this for everyone?
> Thanks,
> Laura

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