[rt-users] Extension/Plugin Conflicts

Tom Robinson tom.robinson at motec.com.au
Tue Nov 16 19:33:30 EST 2010


I've been using RT (3.8.8) for a few months now. Initially I just wanted
to use the default install but I'm now adding a few plugins.

The problem I have is some sort of conflict with a particular plugin:

I have three plugins installed:


In the etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm if I put the configuration for Calendar
BEFORE JSGannt I get this message:

could not find component for path 'MyCalendar'

At this point JSGantt works fine.

If I change the etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm and put JSGantt BEFORE Calendar,
then I see the Calendar portal but there no longer a link for JSGantt.

Is there some trick to adding plugins so the successfully get loaded
without conflicts?

Apart from changing the order of the plugin configurations in the config
file I have made one other change. The installation document for JSGantt
uses the following syntax for loading the plugin:


Looking at my other plugins I decided to change this to:


The plugin still loads and is functional as long as it's put AFTER the
Calendar plugin in the config file. I know nothing about the differences
in syntax above - just made a stab in the dark hoping it might fix the
conflict with the Calendar plugin.

Any help is very much appreciated.



Current RT_SiteConfig.pm
# Any configuration directives you include  here will override
# RT's default configuration file, RT_Config.pm
# To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement
# from RT_Config.pm and change the value. We've included a single
# sample value below.
# This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid
# perl code, as well.
# The converse is also true, if this file isn't valid perl, you're
# going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use
# this comamnd:
#   perl -c /path/to/your/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set( $rtname, 'motec.com.au');
#Set(@Plugins,(qw(Extension::QuickDelete RT::FM)));

#Set($DatabaseType , 'mysql');
#Set($DatabaseHost   , 'localhost');
#Set($DatabaseRTHost , 'localhost');
#Set($DatabasePort , '');
#Set($DatabaseUser , 'rt3');
Set($DatabasePassword , 'xxxxxxxxxx');
#Set($DatabaseName , 'rt3');
#Set($DatabaseRequireSSL , undef);

Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);
Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^request\@(mydomain\.com)$');

Set($WebPath, "/rt3");

Set($rtname, "mydomain.com");
Set($Organization , "mydomain.com");

Set($Timezone, 'Australia/Melbourne');

Set($CorrespondAddress , 'email at mydomain.com');
Set($CommentAddress , 'emailagain at mydomain.com');
Set($WebDomain, 'rt.mydomain.com' );

# Enable Command By Mail
Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction));
##Set($CommandByMailGroup, group_id);

# Enable JSGantt Chart
# customize JSGantt as you wish:
Set($JSGanttDefaultFormat,'day'); # or day or month or year or quarter
Set(@JSGanttColorScheme, 'ff0000', 'ffff00', 'ff00ff', '00ff00',
'00ffff', '0000
# working hours per day, used to caculate day length
Set($JSGanttWorkingHoursPerDay, 8);
# default day length, used to figure out start/end if one exists but the
other n
Set($JSGanttDefaultDays, 7);
# if we can't find both start and end dates, use this color
Set($JSGanttNullDatesColor, '333');

# Enable RTx Calendar
# Add MyCalendar portlet to $HomepageComponents
Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyCalendar
     MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);
# Enable private searches ICal feeds, give CreateSavedSearch and
 rights to your user
# Show the owner in each day box
Set($CalendarDisplayOwner, 1);
# Change which fields show up in the popup display when you mouse over a
@CalendarPopupFields = ('Status', 'OwnerObj->Name', 'DueObj->ISO');
# ICAL feed configuration
# By default, tickets are todo and reminders event
Set($ICalTicketType,   "Data::ICal::Entry::Event");
Set($ICalReminderType ,"Data::ICal::Entry::Todo");


Tom Robinson
System Administrator


121 Merrindale Drive
Croydon South
3136 Victoria

T: +61 3 9761 5050
F: +61 3 9761 5051   
E: tom.robinson at motec.com.au

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