[rt-users] adding Ticket links in search result

Gerard FENELON gerard at eve-team.com
Tue Aug 9 05:07:50 EDT 2011


you can do a lot of things in the advanced tab of the search interface
such as

'<b><a href="/Ticket/Modify.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></b>/TITLE:#',
'<span class="yoyodine-status-__StatusNoLoc__">__ExtendedStatus__</span>',
'<span class="yoyodine-priority-__CustomField.{Customer 
priority}__">__CustomField.{Customer priority}__</span>',

I would say, use this when you want to tweek the display.
Use ColumnMap when you have to calculate values


On 2011-08-09 10:48, Raphaël MOUNEYRES wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm trying to build a search wich would have a colum displaying the 
> tickets links exactly the same way as is TicketDisplay page (with 3.8 
> install)
> I found two things :
>  - this code related to the above page is in 
> /opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/ShowLinks
>  - in ticket search engine, i can display children/DependsOn links, 
> but the result will only show ticket ids without formatting.
> Should i create a new ColumnMap (as recently discussed) pasting some 
> code from the ShowLinks File, or any simpler way to modify the 
> existing colums ?
> Could someone help me choose the best way to go ?
> After a few month dealing with RT, i've been gaining some perl 
> programming experience, thanks guys !

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