[rt-users] Special Projects Queue

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Thu Jul 14 11:34:15 EDT 2011

I am setting up a special projects queue.  We have several "special
projects" which involve a team of about 8-10 people from both inside and
outside the company.  The basic idea is that each project gets a root
ticket in the queue, with the team members set up as adminCCs.  The
adminCCs have a broad range of rights on the tickets, including setting
watchers, modifyihg the ticket, etc.

The idea is that each special project uses the root ticket and creats
child tickets under it.  This works pretty well, except....

Once the root ticket is set up with the correct adminCCs, creating a child
ticket should mean tha the adminCCs are inherited.  For some unfathomable
reason, it seems that only some of the adminCCs are being inherited; the
rest get a "•Couldn't set AdminCc watcher: Permission Denied" error.  I
have been all through the users and there doesn't seem to be any
difference in any of the users or the permissions.  All priveledged users
have "watch" and "watch as adminCC" rights.

I don't understand why only some of the users are being denied.  Is there
a way to get a more verbose error?

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