[rt-users] ExternalAuth doesn't work

Robert Wysocki robert.wysocki at contium.pl
Thu Mar 3 09:58:58 EST 2011

Hi there, 

I have a problem with ExternalAuth - it doesn't work at all.
Actually, when I run tcpdump against the ip of LDAP server, I can't see
any packets going through.

There is no firewall between those two.
Here's my RT_SiteConfig:

Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [

Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS,   1);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers,    0);
Set($ExternalSettings,      {
                                # AN EXAMPLE LDAP SERVICE
                                'LDAP1'       =>  {   
 'type'                      =>  'ldap',
 'server'                    =>  '192.168.X.Y:3268',
 'user'                      =>  'CN=ldapauth,CN=Users,DC=path',
 'pass'                      =>  'pass',
 'base'                      =>  'DC=path',
 'filter'                    =>  '(objectclass=user)',
 'd_filter'                  =>  '(employmentStatus=Terminated)',
 'tls'                       =>  1,
 'ssl_version'               =>  3,
 'net_ldap_args'             => [    version =>  3   ],
 'attr_match_list'           =>
[ 'Name','EmailAddress','RealName','WorkPhone','Address2','ExternalContactInfoId' ],
 'attr_map'                  =>  {   'Name' => 'sAMAccountName',
 'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
 'Organization' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
 'RealName' => 'cn',
 'ExternalAuthId' => 'sAMAccountName',
 'Gecos' => 'sAMAccountName',
 'WorkPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
 'Address1' => 'streetAddress',
 'Address2' => 'postOfficeBox',
 'City' => 'l',
 'State' => 'st',
 'Zip' => 'postalCode',
 'Country' => 'co',
 'ExternalContactInfoId' => 'dn' }

LDAP2 configuration is the same expect ip, path and password.
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth is installed under local/plugins, other plugins
installed there work fine.

Any ideas?

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