[rt-users] sender is empty

Violetta J. Wawryk v.wawryk at science-computing.de
Tue Mar 15 09:43:08 EDT 2011

Hi List,

we are running the RT 3.6.7 on a debian 5.

If a tries to open a ticket via mail and is not allowed to (because of 
configured restrictions) he receives a mail with the following text:


Subject: Could not load a valid user

RT could not load a valid user, and RT's configuration does not allow 
for the creation of a new user for your email.


which is what we want. But what disturbs us is that for this kind of 
email there is no sender:

logfile says:

Mar 15 12:47:48 servername postfix/qmgr[2004]: 18083FB0FF: from=<>, 
size=3589, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

While with usual ticket mail traffic it should look like this:

Mar 15 12:48:40 servername postfix/qmgr[2004]: 81754FB0FF: 
from=<xxx at servername.science-computing.de>, size=2517, nrcpt=1 (queue 

Is this on purpose? Is there a way to fill the from= ?

Thanks for you help.


________________________________ creating IT solutions
Violetta J. Wawryk               science + computing ag
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