[rt-users] RT-3.8.8 Pg Ubuntu 10.10 amd64 - seeing login prompt at each page

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 24 18:44:49 EDT 2011

Kevin Falcone <falcone <at> bestpractical.com> writes:
> Pg puts sessions in the DB, sqlite puts sessions on the filesystem, so
> there really isn't much of a comparision there.
> Normally accessing RT through an alias RT doesn't know about results
> in redirects to the wrong hostname and cookies aren't sent.
> As I usually advise when this comes up, you need to look at what
> cookies RT is sending you and what cookies are sent back to RT to
> begin untangling it.  Anything else is speculation.
> -kevin

Thanks for the tip. I took the following steps, to no effect. Can you suggest
anything else I might look for?

- remove all cookies, there were 2.
- change configuration to everywhere, restart apache.
- sudo -u postgres psql -d rtdb -c "delete from sessions;" 73 rows.
- browse to, login, check cookie, one created
  each link-login cycle, below:

rtdb=# select id, lastupdated from sessions;
 id | lastupdated
(0 rows)

login, click link, login,
rtdb=# select id, lastupdated from sessions;
                id                |        lastupdated
 177274163d2d9e5c63d9206e59be8e7a | 2011-03-24 22:39:02.782436
 2ae80cdb59debb85a8bd5e1586f94be1 | 2011-03-24 22:39:12.454886
 96ec379e94a5aefa5ce9d6c2359ff8a3 | 2011-03-24 22:39:21.660138
(3 rows)

1 cookie
Name	RT_SID_test_it.80
Value	96ec379e94a5aefa5ce9d6c2359ff8a3
Path	/rt
Secure	No
Expires	At End Of Session


$ sudo cat /etc/request-tracker3.8/RT_SiteConfig.d/50-debconf

Set($rtname, 'test_it');
Set($Organization, 'rt.acme.com');

Set($CorrespondAddress , 'rt at server1.acme.com');
Set($CommentAddress , 'rt-comment at server1.acme.com');


Set($WebPath , "/rt");
#Set($WebBaseURL , "http://server1.acme.com");
Set($WebBaseURL , "");


$ tail -n 1 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
ServerName tickets

$ tail -n 5 /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Include /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt


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