[rt-users] RT 4 - install on Debian Squeeze

Gilbert Rebeiro gilbert at dido.ca
Wed May 25 18:11:59 EDT 2011

That's so nice, but too late.
I struggled one by one.
Oh well, this should be in the wiki or somewhere easier to find.

Thanks, debian is great.


On 25/05/2011 5:41 PM, Vegard Vesterheim wrote:
> On Wed, 18 May 2011 23:08:59 +0200 Alexander Finger<af at genevainformation.ch>  wrote:
>> If you want to keep your install clean, try to install the necessary
>> modules using apt-get instead of using fixdeps.
> Good advice.
> Here are some oneliners from my personal notes on installing RT. These
> commands tries naively to identify Debian packages for the missing Perl
> modules reported by 'make testdeps'. It is far from perfect, but it
> alleviates some of the work of satisfying dependencies.
> make testdeps | grep '\.MISSING' | perl -pe 's/\s(\S+)\s.*MISSING/lc "lib$1-perl"/e' | sed \
> 's/::/-/g' | while read p; do sudo apt-get --yes install $p; done
> make testdeps | perl -wnl -e '/^SOME DEPENDENCIES WERE MISSING/ ... /EOF/ and print' | grep\
>   '\.MISSING' | perl -pe 's/\s*([^. ]*).*/lc "lib$1-perl"/e' | sed 's/::/-/g'
>   - Vegard V -

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