[rt-users] Apache taking up too much CPU

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 6 13:43:24 EST 2012

There's no need to CC me, I set a reply-to of the list because I read
the list.

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 07:44:17AM +0530, Bhowmik Shah wrote:
>    >> On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 07:33:44PM +1000, Bhowmik Shah wrote:
>    >> Yep, debugging for both RT and Apache is enabled, the logs don't throw  up  anything out of
>    the
>    >> ordinary. I've got Perl 5.14.2 installed.
>    >> I'm currently playing with strace and the Apache process to see if i can spot whats going
>    >> wrong. I've tried stuff from the Performance Tuning page on the Wiki and though the Mason
>    >> caching parameters improved performance but the problem still persists.
>    >> > 1) Ubuntu 12.04 with 613MB RAM
>    >> That is a tiny amount of RAM, especially if you're running your
>    >> database on the same host. Are you sure you aren't swapping and
>    >> burning  CPU  doing that?
>    Yep, i don't see any swapping happening, I also don't expect a large amount of users (Maximum
>    5 at any given time) and we only have 19 entries in the database so far. The database is on
>    the same host.
>    We are expecting about 1200 tickets at max per year for the current set up. I would've thought
>    that RT would be able to manage that much load with 613 MB or RAM.
>    How much RAM do you think I would need for a setup like this?

While 613MB could be fine, you have to look at how much RAM is
*actually* being used, which varies hugely based on your
configuration.  In particular, default apache configurations often
spawn lots of high-memory-usage children, and if you pair that with a
64 bit perl, you're going to burn through 600M of RAM almost

Frankly, I wouldn't try to set up any modern system in less than 1G of
RAM, and would prefer to give it 2G if at all possible.

Unless you can provide some evidence of what's using your ram or
what's using your CPU, the standard suggestion that 600M is tiny is
probably the best answer we can give.

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