[rt-users] R: 2. try ;-) Limit user in a perl script

Scotto Alberto al.scotto at reply.it
Wed Sep 19 11:17:24 EDT 2012

Well, that's normal: you are scanning the whole tickets list again and again, for every user.
You should invert the nested loops such that you scan the tickets only once.

Something like this (kind of pseudo-code):

my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
my @users_with_ticket;
# let's collect all the users who relate to some ticket
while (my $t = tickets->next) {
   push @users_with_ticket, $t->Requestor;
   push @users_with_ticket, $t->Owner;
   # push all the other actors
# now, let's take the complement of the set users_with_ticket
my $users = RT::Users->new($RT::SystemUser)
my @users_without_ticket;
while(my $u = $users->next) {
   if ($u IS NOT IN $users_with_ticket) push @users_without_ticket, $u;

The last loop (just a draft) may still be critical, but considering that, in your case study, the bigger number is given by the tickets, I think you're quite safe.



Da: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com [rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] per conto di Björn Schulz [bjoern.schulz at desy.de]
Inviato: mercoledì 19 settembre 2012 15.48
A: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Oggetto: [rt-users]  2. try ;-) Limit user in a perl script


I try to ask again, because on my producton system it takes a very long
time to limit users (7 Minutes !!! per user :-(( ).

I try to search for users with no connections to any ticket and no
connection to any attachments to delete them later.

I can't use rt-shredder directly ;-)

I try this:

my $user  = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $users = RT::Users->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $tix   = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);

$users->FindAllRows ;

while (my $uid = $users->next ) {
 my $tickets   = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
    Type = "ticket" AND
    Watcher ="'.$user->EmailAddress.'"');

  Delete_User if ! $tickets->Count();

But it takes much time (about 7 minutes per user )
in my system for every user.

~500.000 tickets
~ 61.100 users

Is there a better method to limit the user with no tickets and no
attachments or what am I doing wrong?


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Alberto Scotto

Blue Reply
Via Cardinal Massaia, 83
10147 - Torino - ITALY
phone: +39 011 29100
al.scotto at reply.it


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