[rt-users] error in rt-crontool

Albert Shih Albert.Shih at obspm.fr
Thu Mar 21 04:49:44 EDT 2013

 Le 21/03/2013 ? 15:52:47+0800, Craig Ringer a écrit
> On 03/21/2013 03:41 PM, Albert Shih wrote:
> > I have this message with 4.0.8 and now I still got it with 4.0.10.
> I suspect that RT may be seeing an older version of Lifecycle.pm.
> Lifecycle.pm usually appears at $RTINSTALLDIR/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm eg
> /opt/rt4/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm . Did you have RT3 installed on this
> machine before, perhaps with an extension that tries to add lifecycle
> support? Or an older version of RT installed some other way?

No, it's a clean install. The first version is 4.0.7. After that I do the
update through the port system from FreeBSD (one packages system of
FreeBSD). And by using md5 checksum I can known it's only last version of
those file. 

> Those error lines don't seem to make much sense for the version of
> Lifeycle.pm in 4.10.

In fact I do some grep and don't think the problem come from RT code. 
I have create a new lifecycle and after that I got this problem. So I think
the problem is from my config & RT. Here my new lifecycle 

I don't put any « maps » because I don't need (and want) tickets come from
or go those queue.

achats => { 
            # All the appropriate order statuses
            initial         => [ 'endiscussion' ],
            active          => [ 'enattente','encommande', 'approuver' ],
            inactive        => [ 'livrer', 'refuser', 'deleted' ],

            # Default order statuses for certain actions
            defaults => {
                on_create => 'endiscussion',

            # Status change restrictions
            transitions => {
                ''          => [qw(endiscussion)],
                endiscussion => [qw (enattente deleted)],
                enattente    => [qw(approuver refuser deleted)],
                approuver   => [qw(encommande refuser deleted)],
                encommande  => [qw(livrer)],

            # Rights for different actions
            rights => {

                # These rights are in the default lifecycle
                '*      ->      deleted'        =>      'DeleteTicket',

                # Maybe we want to create rights to keep QA rigid
                '* -> approuver'        =>      'Approbationcommand',
                '* -> enattente'        =>      'onestdaccord',
                '* -> encommande'       =>      'Mettreencommand',
                '* -> livrer'   =>      'ValiderLivraison',

            # Actions for the web UI
            actions => [
                'endiscussion -> enattente' => {
                        label  => 'On est d\'accord',
                        update => 'Comment',
                'endiscussion -> deleted' => {
                        label  => 'Supprimer',
                        update => 'Comment',
                'enattente -> approuver' => {
                    label  => 'Bon pour commande',
                    update => 'Respond',
                'enattente -> refuser' => {
                    label  => 'Commande refusee',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'enattente -> deleted' => {
                    label  => 'Supprimer',
                    update => 'Respond',
                'approuver -> refuser' => {
                    label  => 'Commande infructueuse',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'approuver -> deleted' => {
                    label  => 'Commande impossible',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'encommande -> livrer' => {
                    label  => 'Commande livree',
                    update => 'Respond',


Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
5 Place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon Cedex
Téléphone : +33 1 45 07 76 26/+33 6 86 69 95 71
xmpp: jas at obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
jeu 21 mar 2013 09:34:21 CET

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