[rt-users] rt-serializer errors, followed by ft-importer errors

Al Joslin allen.joslin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 17:16:12 EDT 2014

I have an RT 4.2.5 w/Assets 1.01 over mysql  Ver 14.14 on Ubuntu 14.04 as my first RT 

I have brought up RT 4.2.6 w/Assets 1.01 over mariadb  Ver 15.1 on CentOS 6.5

As maria is a drop-in replacement for mysql I didn't use the --clone option (anyway I don't want any of the 3K practice tickets)

The serializer gave me these errors -- totally impenetrable to me...

root at rt4:/home/ajoslin# /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-serializer --no-tickets --scrip --quiet --force --directory 2014-08-01
Logging warnings and errors to 2014-08-01/serializer.log
[2236] [Fri Aug  1 20:16:21 2014] [critical]: Can't locate object method "Id" via package "No object mapping for field" (perhaps you forgot to load "No object mapping for field"?) at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrip.pm line 1100. (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT.pm:393)
Trace begun at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT.pm line 297
Log::Dispatch::__ANON__('Log::Dispatch=HASH(0x454c468)', 'Can\'t locate object method "Id" via package "No object mapping for field" (perhaps you forgot to load "No object mapping for field"?) at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrip.pm line 1100.^J') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT.pm line 393
RT::__ANON__('Can\'t locate object method "Id" via package "No object mapping for field" (perhaps you forgot to load "No object mapping for field"?) at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrip.pm line 1100.^J') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrip.pm line 1100
RT::Scrip::FindDependencies('RT::Scrip=HASH(0x7cf8ba8)', 'RT::Migrate::Serializer::File=HASH(0x7c64160)', 'RT::DependencyWalker::FindDependencies=HASH(0x7ceba38)') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/DependencyWalker.pm line 222
RT::DependencyWalker::Process('RT::Migrate::Serializer::File=HASH(0x7c64160)', 'object', 'RT::Scrips=HASH(0x7c6ba70)', 'object', 'RT::Scrip=HASH(0x7cf8ba8)') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Migrate/Serializer.pm line 372
RT::Migrate::Serializer::Process('RT::Migrate::Serializer::File=HASH(0x7c64160)', 'object', 'RT::Scrips=HASH(0x7c6ba70)', 'object', 'RT::Scrip=HASH(0x7cf8ba8)') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/DependencyWalker.pm line 135
RT::DependencyWalker::Walk('RT::Migrate::Serializer::File=HASH(0x7c64160)') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Migrate/Serializer/File.pm line 106
RT::Migrate::Serializer::File::Export('RT::Migrate::Serializer::File=HASH(0x7c64160)') called at /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-serializer line 165
Can't locate object method "Id" via package "No object mapping for field" (perhaps you forgot to load "No object mapping for field"?) at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrip.pm line 1100.

when I run it without --scrip there are no errors, but it's odd that the scrip (appended to this message) runs just fine...

There are no assets, and there seems to be no serializer/importer for Assets -- is one in the works?

So then I run the importer and it craps out

sudo /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-importer 2014-08-01
[1266] [Fri Aug  1 21:05:22 2014] [warning]:
Can't call method "URI" on an undefined value at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Transaction.pm line 1969. (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Migrate/Importer/File.pm:97)

Importer state has been written to the file:

It may be possible to resume the import by re-running rt-importer.

The importer state is not human readable [to me]

What should I be trying to do next ?

my one and only scrip (so far :)

custom condition:
# only attempt this Scrip if it's a comment or correspond
if (   ($self->TransactionObj()->Type() == "Comment") 
   or ($self->TransactionObj()->Type() == "Correspond")  ) {

   # only execute this action on Help Desk queues
   return 1 if ($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name() =~ /Help Desk/);


return 0;

custom action prep:
return 1;

custom action commit:
# calculation result
my $job_cost = 0.00;

# loop the recorded transactions
my $allTrans = $self->TicketObj()->Transactions();
while( my $eachTrans = $allTrans->Next() ) {

   # get the entered cost for this transaction & reduce it to the 1st floating point value in the field
   my $eachCost = $eachTrans-> CustomFieldValuesAsString('Billing');
   if (-1 != index($eachCost,",")) { $eachCost = substr($eachCost,0,index($eachCost,",")); }
   if (-1 != index($eachCost,"\$")) { $eachCost =~ tr/$//d; }

   # if there was any time taken then $eachCost is a per-hour value
   my $timeTaken = $eachTrans->TimeTaken();
   if ($timeTaken and $eachCost) { $eachCost = $timeTaken * ($eachCost /60); }

   # if we found anything then add it
   if ($eachCost) { $job_cost += $eachCost; }

# make a nice display string
$job_cost = sprintf( "\$%.2f", $job_cost );

# write out the tally
my $jobCostCF = new RT::CustomField($self->CurrentUser());
$jobCostCF->LoadByName( Name => 'JobCost', LookupType => RT::Ticket->CustomFieldLookupType);
$self->TicketObj()->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $jobCostCF, Value => $job_cost );

return 1;

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