[rt-users] ShowCustomFields extremely slow.

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Thu Jan 30 04:57:56 EST 2014

Alex Vandiver wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-01-28 at 03:30 +0100, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>> Ok so temporarily I set min_duration to 0 and logged everything, the log
>> is here:
> The situation can be made much clearer by limiting to the postgres
> process IDs which are responding to queries from RT, namely 15537 and
> 15481. 

( parsed this an put it in http://www.mhix.org/ticketload-rt.log )

> The longest statement duration is 1559.273ms, which is a _parse_
> of a statement query, not even an execution.  The next-longest query is
> DBD::Pg's query (which is only run once per process, FTR) at 02:11:09 to
> determine table information -- which takes nearly a full _second_ to
> return.  On the largest Postgres installation which I have access to,
> this takes less than 100ms.

Well here's the thing...

Jan 28 02:11:09 to Jan 28 02:18:31  ... a full 7 minutes of being in
ShowCustomFields there are just 100's (like more than 1900 of them) of
statements like this:

Jan 28 02:18:30 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [7893-1] LOG:  duration: 0.042
ms  bind dbdpg_p88026_1968: SELECT consrc FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint
WHERE contype = 'c' AND conrelid = 134792121 AND conkey = '{33}'
Jan 28 02:18:30 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [7894-1] LOG:  duration: 0.021
ms  execute dbdpg_p88026_1968: SELECT consrc FROM
pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE contype = 'c' AND conrelid = 134792121
AND conkey = '{33}'
Jan 28 02:18:31 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [7895-1] LOG:  duration: 0.363
ms  statement: DEALLOCATE dbdpg_p88026_1968

.. and no other queries...  The start being immediately after:

Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-2]                 SELECT
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-3]                    
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-4]                     ,
quote_ident(n.nspname) AS "TABLE_SCHEM"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-5]                     ,
quote_ident(c.relname) AS "TABLE_NAME"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-6]                     ,
quote_ident(a.attname) AS "COLUMN_NAME"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-7]                     ,
a.atttypid AS "DATA_TYPE"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-8]                     ,
pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, NULL) AS "TYPE_NAME"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-9]                     ,
a.attlen AS "COLUMN_SIZE"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-10]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-11]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-12]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-13]                     ,
CASE a.attnotnull WHEN 't' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS "NULLABLE"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-14]                     ,
pg_catalog.col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) AS "REMARKS"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-15]                     ,
pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(af.adbin, af.adrelid) AS "COLUMN_DEF"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-16]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-17]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-18]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-19]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-20]                     ,
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-21]                     ,
pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS "pg_type"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-22]                     ,
'?' AS "pg_constraint"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-23]                     ,
n.nspname AS "pg_schema"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-24]                     ,
c.relname AS "pg_table"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-25]                     ,
a.attname AS "pg_column"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-26]                     ,
a.attrelid AS "pg_attrelid"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-27]                     ,
a.attnum AS "pg_attnum"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-28]                     ,
a.atttypmod AS "pg_atttypmod"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-29]                     ,
t.typtype AS "_pg_type_typtype"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-30]                     ,
t.oid AS "_pg_type_oid"
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-31]                 FROM
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-32]                    
pg_catalog.pg_type t
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-33]                    
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (t.oid = a.atttypid)
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-34]                    
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (a.attrelid = c.oid)
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-35]                    
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef af ON (a.attnum = af.adnum AND
a.attrelid = af.adrelid)
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-36]                    
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-37]                 WHERE
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-38]                    
a.attnum >= 0
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-39]                    
AND c.relkind IN ('r','v')
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-40]                    
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-41]                    
AND c.relname LIKE '%'
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-42]                    
AND a.attname LIKE '%'
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-43]                 ORDER
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [218-44]                
Jan 28 02:11:09 m0040933 postgres[15537]: [219-1] LOG:  duration: 0.665
ms  statement: DEALLOCATE dbdpg_p88026_49

Which is a column_info() call in DBD::Pg

Which is called from Fields() in DBIx::Searchbuilder ..

Which I assume is being called in ShowCustomFields somewhere...

The problem is network latency between the front ends and the backend
DB...  Running this on the same host returns in under a second.

My frontends are on completely different networks (and indeed different
data centers) from the database servers for security (mainly DDoS type)

Now I'd suspect something very broken possibly in column_info as
pg_catalog.pg_constraint only has 36 rows in the rt4 table, and all
those are the pk's..

The TABLE_CAT query returns 1921 rows, which corresponds exactly to the
number of pg_catalog.pg_constraint queries...

> I am not familiar with Bucardo as a replication strategy, so I can't
> comment on that.

I've CC'd Gregg as he's the current author for DBD::Pg, and he's also
the person behind Bucardo replication.

>   However, I strongly suspect that the answer lies
> amongst your replication tool and network topology. 

Replication tool - no.  Network topology, maybe.

>  The symptoms do not
> match any failure modes that I'm familiar with in RT.  You may wish to
> try simplifying your database configuration (temporarily install Pg on
> one of the front-ends) to see if that resolves any of the problems.

Not really possible or practical - as it would appear the problem is
related to network latency (of around 20ms round-trip - the query itself
completes in 0.021ms - ~0.400ms if you include the bind and dealloc) and
the use of column_info() calls... is there a reason why ShowCustomFields
needs to call column_info()?


Michelle Sullivan

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