[rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked?

Gustavo Gasparrini gustavo.gasparrini at nixe.com
Fri Jun 6 16:22:20 EDT 2014

Yes, I know Kevin.
May be we have to learn how to contribute in a formal way.

By de way, I sent the files, but they aren't in the mailing list. Do you know if there is any restriction for attachments?


Gustavo Gasparrini | NIXE S.R.L. 

IT Systems General Manager 


----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Kevin Falcone" <falcone at bestpractical.com>
Para: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Enviados: Viernes, 6 de Junio 2014 14:33:14
Asunto: Re: [rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked?

On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 10:50:20AM -0300, Gustavo Gasparrini wrote:
> We made some changes to the Create Ticket form, where you can search
> assets by name or description, filtered by a Status (you have to put
> which Status to filter in a variable in RT_SiteConfig.pm file) and a
> Catalog that have to have the same name than the queue.

> If you want, I can send it to you, but without any warranty, because we need to normalize the development.
> I can send you the files that you have to replace for a specific RT version. They are only 3 files.

This sounds like the sort of thing that would be great to see sent in
as a patch for consideration.


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