[rt-users] how to setup two apache vhosts towards the same RT with fastcgi

Sidsel Jensen sidj at dtu.dk
Mon Feb 9 04:07:13 EST 2015


I have been working on migrating our existing old RT 3.8.8 to RT 4.2.9.

We currently have two domains that point towards the same RT – and that works in RT 3.8.8 – and I’d like to have the same setup in the new RT, so I don’t break any links to the two current domains that I am not aware of…
But – when I try to do something similar with RT 4.2.9 + Apache2 + fastcgi – the first vhost resolves just fine – whereas the second site just hangs…..

My guess is I am doing something wrong – how to make two vhosts in apache2 point to the same RT backend with fastcgi?
A pointer in the right direction will be deeply appreciated.

My Apache config looks as follows:

# Tell FastCGI to put its temporary files somewhere sane; this may
    # be necessary if your distribution doesn't already set it
    FastCgiIpcDir /opt/rt4/tmp

    FastCgiServer /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi -processes 5 -idle-timeout 300

    NameVirtualHost rt4.example.com:80
    NameVirtualHost rt4-test.example.com:80
    Listen 80

    NameVirtualHost rt4.example.com:443
    NameVirtualHost rt4-test.example.com:443
    Listen 443

    <VirtualHost rt4.example.com:80>
       ServerName rt4.example.com
       ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/rt4_error_log"
       CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/rt4_access_log" common
       RedirectPermanent / https://rt4.example.com/

    <VirtualHost rt4-test.example.com:80>
       ServerName rt4-test.example.com
       ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/rt4_error_log"
       CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/rt4_access_log" common
       RedirectPermanent / https://rt4-test.example.com/

    <VirtualHost rt4.example.com:443>
        ServerName rt4.example.com
        ### Optional apache logs for RT
        # Ensure that your log rotation scripts know about these files
         ErrorLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.error
         TransferLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.access
         LogLevel debug

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateChainFile  /etc/httpd/ssl/secret.cer
        SSLCertificateFile    /etc/httpd/ssl/certificate.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/certificate.key

        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

        ScriptAlias / /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/

        DocumentRoot "/opt/rt4/share/html"

        <Location />
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

            Options +ExecCGI
            AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi

   <VirtualHost rt4-test.example.com:443>
        ServerName rt4-test.example.com
        ### Optional apache logs for RT
        # Ensure that your log rotation scripts know about these files
         ErrorLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.error
         TransferLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.access
         LogLevel debug

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateChainFile  /etc/httpd/ssl/secret.cer
        SSLCertificateFile    /etc/httpd/ssl/certificate.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/certificate.key

        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

        ScriptAlias / /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/

        DocumentRoot "/opt/rt4/share/html"

        <Location />
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

            Options +ExecCGI
            AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi

Kind Regards,
Sidsel Jensen

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