[rt-users] Issue with /Elements/Header CallbackName => 'Head' rendering before squished js that loads jQuery

Marco Poli polimarco at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 15:01:09 EDT 2015

I am trying to get RT::Extensions::Hotkeys working and I am facing several

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

Errors in my Javascript console.

I suspect the errors come from the fact that jQuery is being loaded in the
squished JS file and the file is loaded after the Callback that has a first
jquery call in that plugin, like this:

<!-- Site CSS from theme editor --><style type="text/css" media="all"
id="sitecss"></style><LINK REL="StyleSheet"
TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen"><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(
function() {    hotkeys.help = function () {        var string =
'RT::Extension::Hotkeys version 0.01\n\n' +            '===== /Search/
=====\n\na -> advanced\nc -> chart\ne -> edit\nf -> rss\ni -> ical\nr
-> bulk\ns -> advanced\nu -> bulk\nx -> excel\n\n===== global
=====\n\ng ->\n  a -> approvals\n  c ->\n    c -> admin\n    g ->
admin global\n  d -> dashboards\n  h -> home\n  l -> logout\n  n ->
create ticket in default queue\n  p ->\n    h -> customize hotkeys\n
 p -> customize options\n  r -> reload\n  s -> search builder\n  t ->
goto ticket\n  u ->\n    d -> my day\n    m -> my reminders\n    o ->
offline\n    u -> tools\nshift+/ -> help\nv -> version\n\n=====
/Ticket/ =====\n\na ->\n  c -> comment\n  e -> forward\n  f ->
forward\n  j -> reject\n  l -> resolve\n  o -> open\n  r -> reply\n  s
-> stall\n  shift+c -> comment based on the last message\n  shift+f ->
forward the last message\n  shift+r -> reply based on the last
message\n  t -> open\nb -> toggle bookmark\nd -> display\nh ->
history\nm ->\n  a -> modify all\n  b -> modify basics\n  d -> modify
dates\n  l -> modify links\n  p -> modify people\nr -> reminders\n\n';
       hotkeys.show(string);    };    hotkeys.version = function () {
      var string = 'RT::Extension::Hotkeys version 0.01\n';
hotkeys.show(string);    };    hotkeys.bind( {'v': function() {
hotkeys.version() },'g': {'u': {'u': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Tools") },'d': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Tools/MyDay.html") },'m': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Tools/MyReminders") },'o': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Tools/Offline.html") }},'c': {'c': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Admin/") },'g': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Admin/Global.html") }},'t': function() {
hotkeys.ticket() },'p': {'h': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Prefs/Hotkeys.html") },'p': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Prefs/Other.html") }},'n': function() {
hotkeys.submit('#CreateTicketInQueue') },'a': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Approvals") },'l': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/NoAuth/Logout.html") },'h': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/") },'d': function() {
hotkeys.openLink("/Dashboards/index.html") },'r': function() {
location.reload() },'s': function() {
hotkeys.openLink('/Search/Build.html') }},'shift+/': function() {
hotkeys.help() }} );});</script><script type="text/javascript"
type="text/javascript"><!--jQuery( loadTitleBoxStates );--></script>

I tried to find some other Callback that would be loaded after the squish,
but even Javascript->Data gets loaded before it.

Is that something particular to my installation? If not, how can I make
jquery load before the Header Callback?

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