[rt-users] Scrip to enforce maximum ticket status per person per queue?

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Fri Jan 15 09:28:13 EST 2016

Le 13/01/2016 20:55, Aaron McCormack a écrit :
> Hi RT Users-
> I'm looking to create a scrip which enforces a maximum number of tickets of a certain status, per person, per queue.
> For example:
> Joe has 3 status open tickets and 4 status stalled tickets.  By policy, Joe is only allowed to have 3 open tickets at once.
> Joe tries to change 1 of the stalled tickets to open, but RT counts the number of status open tickets that Joe already has and doesn't allow the status change.  If Joe then changes 1 open ticket to resolved, then he can change 1 stalled to open, maintaining his limit of 3 status open tickets.
> Has anyone tried enforcing limitation like this or query the status of other tickets in a scrip?

I don't think you should use scrips for this because it will be asynchrone.

I would do:

- set a user or group CustomField to record each ones limits
- add a method to local/lib/RT/User_Local.pm named CheckStatusLimit,
that retrieve the user/group limit, get the list of owned tickets and
check if limit are reached, then return if the new status is allowed or not.
- use callbacks (Tickt/Display.html and other plaes where user can
change status) or override maybe ProcessTicketBasics, to use this method
before accepting status change. Display proper error to user if not allowed

I would avoid enforcing this in Ticket->SetStatus method as you may
wan't to allow others to force status or even scripts.

Easter-eggs                              Spécialiste GNU/Linux
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